The Horse Ranch Story

Marianne Ewasyn
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Picture this …..
San Ysidro, California – just north of the busy Mexico border crossing.
The year is 1955.
Monty Roberts is son of an itinerant horse trainer and so begins his love of horses.
His family moves around frequently to look for work and his schooling is constantly interrupted.
One day in high school, his teacher gives the class an assignment to write about what they want to be when they grow up.
Monty’s inspired and writes a 7-page paper about his dream to own a 200-acre horse ranch and he includes details about the buildings, stables and track and even draws a plan with a 4,000 square foot ranch house.
Four days later, his teacher marks and returns the class reports and Monty is surprised to see that he got an “F”, with a note to see the teacher after class.
When he sees the teacher, Monty asks her why he got an “F”.
She tells him that what he wrote about was too unrealistic for someone like him, from an itinerant family.
She says that it takes a lot of money to acquire a ranch and horses and that he should instead focus on something that’s within his reach.
The teacher says that she’ll give him another week to re-write the paper so that he’ll have a chance to improve his mark.
Monty goes home and thinks long and hard about what to do.
Finally, when the week is up, he goes to his teacher and hands in the same 7-page report.
He says to her “You can keep the “F” and I’ll keep my dream.
Well, within 16 years Monty Roberts DOES get his dream horse ranch and achieves the beautiful life that he had envisioned.
And he lives there to this day and is known as an internationally acclaimed horse trainer and horse whisperer.
Now you may be asking …
Did this really happen? …
Can this story possibly be true?
Yeah, it’s true! Monty Roberts is the real deal! “Yee Haw!” 🐴
And the moral of the story is to hold onto your dreams no matter what anyone else says. You have the power to nurture your vision and dreams into reality.
Dream BIG!
It’s your life. Make it a great one!
Believing in you and your dreams,

Marianne Ewasyn
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Marianne Ewasyn is grateful to be living her passion and purpose as a Transformational Life Coach and Healer. She inspires and guides others to discover and build their dreams so they can live a life they absolutely love! As a life-long student of personal development and heart centered mindset she has immersed herself in premium coaching, healing and mentoring with Marci Shimoff, Christian Mickelsen and Mary Morrisey’s Brave Thinking Institute, among others. Marianne knows first-hand what it’s like to be weighed down by worry and struggle and she now empowers others to achieve new heights of authentic happiness, vibrant health, spiritual aliveness and success through a proven system called Dream Builder. She believes that each one of us is far more powerful and contains more potential than any circumstance, situation or condition. Marianne would love to support you to create and live a life that you would truly love! Her motto: “It’s your life, make it a great one!”
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